August Meeting

Meeting minutes August 15, 2023

Go over minutes from last month.

David- We need to go through the trailer and go through all the banners and clean them off to get them ready for next year.

Laurel- I need to update the rules on the website and the pee wee entry form.

Emily- We have $808.01 in our account right now.

Courtney- Is updating the website as Laurel slowly sends her the proper forms.

Sponsorship team- Krystal is going through the information from last year and looking through lists of previous sponsors to begin reaching out.

Karen- Is going to talk to Jarboe’s about having our Christmas party there. Possibly meetings.

Awards Committee- They would like to change the awards to not have so many buckles. Can we change the sponsorship form to not specify buckle sponsorship, but a general awards sponsorship? Krystal will redo the sponsorship forms to say general sponsorship instead of buckle sponsorship.

For our October race Marie will get awards for Pee wees and 3 awards for the pee wee costume contest.

We need to find a clean up crew and a tractor driver for our December race.

We need to pay our tractor driver more. The price of fuel has gone up and he has been charging $600 a day for a while. We need to increase it to $750. Krystal motions, Marie 2nds. Vote passes.

Tammy- We should make our race a 5D… Nikki will go redo our results from last year as if they were a 5D so we can see how the payout would change and if it would be worth it.

We need to increase our sudden death series nomination fee. It has been the same price for at least 10 years. We will increase the open nomination fee to $50 and the youth and senior will increase to $40. Krystal motions, Nikki 2nds. Vote passes.
