July Meeting

Meeting minutes July 18, 2023

First meeting for the new season!! Welcome back everyone, and I hope you are ready for another fun year!

Let me first introduce you to our board members for the 2023/2024 season

President: Jessica Sandberg

Vice-President: David Trachsel

Secretary: Laurel Schmidgall        

Treasurer: Emily Woods

Points Secretary: Niki Davila

Social Media Coordinator: Courtney Berreth

Sponsorship Committee: Krystal Gardner & Karen Brown

Awards Committee: Stephanie Whynot & Marie Ellis

Office Entry Desk coordinator: Janice Dierickx

Queen Worker Bee: Tammy Jolma

We currently have $823.08 in our account to start our next season.

We need to change some of our entry forms and the prices for memberships. The cost of awards has risen, and our prices have been the same for several years so we need to up our membership fees and add a fee for people who run in multiple classes so we can have more money for awards in those classes.

We will also no longer have a family membership option. Every single person will fill out their own membership form and be responsible for bringing in their own sponsor. There will also no longer be a difference in price or meeting requirements for new members vs renewing members. Every member will pay the $100 membership fee for the season. (Pee Wee memberships will now cost $50 for a season and be required to bring in $50 for sponsorship)

We will also charge a fee for club members who want to get points in multiple classes. So if you run in the open class and also want points for senior or youth classes then it will be an additional $30. If you have multiple horses in multiple classes then there will be an additional $10 charge for those horses in those classes.

This year we will also bring back the option to pay for a companion pass for immediate family members to come with you to ride night. It will cost $50 for your companion for the year.


Niki motions to eliminate family membership options, Janice 2nds. Vote passes

Niki motions to add companion pass to entry form, Courtney 2nds, Vote passes

David motions to eliminate renewing memberships, Krystal 2nds, vote passes

Niki motions to additional fees of $30 for adding classes to membership, and $10 for additional horses to added classes. Jessica 2nds, vote passes

Pee Wee memberships will go up from $47 to $50. Courtney motions, Niki 2nds, vote passes

Sponsorships: The price of new banners has gone up, so we need to change our sponsorship fees for new banner sponsors. Renewing banner sponsors will still be $150  but new banner sponsors who need to have a banner made will now cost $250. Laurel motions, Niki 2nds, vote passes.

We still need to find a place where we can have our monthly meetings! Our club is getting bigger so we need to find a large enough space for all of us, let us know if you have any recommendations.

Our meeting this next week (August 15, 2023. 7PM) is scheduled to be at Tammy Jolma’s house, but the temperatures are expected to be around 100 degrees, so we are looking for an indoor option. We will update the meeting location on Facebook when we find a place.

Thank you everyone who came, we appreciate all the member involvement! 
