October Meeting

Hello everyone!

Congratulations on our successful first race and kicking off a wonderful season. We can't put on our amazing races without help from all of our awesome club members. Here are the meeting minutes from our October meeting. If you would like to attend our next meeting it will be Tuesday November 21 2023.

Call meeting to order and go over minutes from last month.

David- Equipment trailer is good to go

Emily- Our gross profit from our race was $33786. We had $23102 after payout. This is usually our race that brings in the most money of the season because this total includes club memberships, nomination payments, sponsorship money and so forth.

For OBRA and BRN4D memberships should we continue to do paperwork and payments as we always have, or start giving the forms to the people who run those associations if they are there? We should continue to give all membership forms and payments to Emily so she will know how much money to send to the associations and keep the paperwork straight. It's too easy to get confused or mess up payments if we don't keep everything together.

Janice- The front desk went well at the race. 

Niki- Results are done and she is waiting on the secretary (me) to get the club points put together.

Krystal- we have brought in $10500 in sponsorship money so far.

There are currently 23 banner sponsors who have nor renewed for this season so far. The sponsorship committee will reach out to them if those members do not rejoin the club.

New Business

Vendors at our races need to have liability insurance and can get it online. The fairgrounds can show them how to do it and we can add a link on our website.

We need to be a bit more organized with getting our banners up. We have so many that it takes quite a while and we need as many club members to help as possible. We want to make sure that they are set up before time onlys start. We will look into hanging them up on friday nights before our races if it's possible.  

Tammy- we need to make sure that we have plenty of club members and board members around to help at the start of the race. It's always hectic getting everyone signed up, and starting the race that we need to delegate positions before the races and make sure that everyone who is able. is near the arena when the race is starting.

Jessica has talked with Gary Trottier and he has agreed to work the ground for our December race! 

Jessica has talked with Arrowhead golf course and booked a room for our Christmas Party. It will be Friday December 8. We will discuss specifics as the date gets closer.

We discussed doing a fundraiser side pot for Scooter (Scott Davis) We need to find a month that we do not already have a side pot planned. November will be the clackamas county sheriff posse side pot, but January is open and may be a better alternative.

The fairgrounds is starting some construction and from now on, all horse activities will need to enter through the yellow gate (By the rodeo arena) and park in the field. And walk your horses down to Ely arena... 

It was discussed if we want to do a WPRA co-sanction. There were people who were willing to pay the WPRA fees, however if we agreed to their rules then we would not be able to charge an office fee to people who are running for WPRA points. This would be incredibly confusing for all of our entry desk people and unfair to club members. This year we are unable to co-sanction with the WPRA.

Karen Brown would like to do a canned food drive during our December race. She will provide bins and take charge of this event. 

For our November race (which falls on veterans day) we need to make sure we do a national anthem and have someone carry a flag. Courtney will look into having a contest on FB to find someone. 

Our ride nights have had incredibly low turnouts. Each ride night costs the club $200. Janice motions to change the ride nights to the 2 weeks before our races. Laurel 2nds, vote passes. We will only have club ride nights the 2 wednesdays before our races and will discuss having them less often if the turnout remains low. There will not be a Wednesday night ride night on October 25, 2023. The updated schedule will be put up on our Facebook and website. 

If you are new and have any questions at all please feel free to reach out to me directly laurelhub@gmail.com 

All of our times and dates for races, meetings and parties can be found on our website as well as all of our rules. 

Thank you!