January Meeting

Here are the minutes from our meeting on January 16, 2024.

Call the meeting to order.

Treasurer's report: Gross profit from the 1/6 race and additional sponsor money turned in was $19,199.00. Race payout was $10,630.00. After the sidepot and auction the club was able to send $1700 to Scooter! Our net profit for the race was $6341.00 and our current account balance is $32,877.94. Emily is working on a spreadsheet to send to our awards committee that will have awards budget information.

Niki (points): She is waiting for the last sponsorships to come in so she can update points for everyone who is still eligible. 

Stephanie: Awards committee is working on getting awards purchased and figuring out their total budget. We have a person who is donating some stallion breedings to us and we will need to figure out the best way to use them for awards. 

Sponsorship committee: We have brought in $18,000 so far in sponsor money and there may be about $950 more to come in! 

Tammy (worker bee): February is always tough to find people to work at the PM race. We need to remind people to stay and help.

New Business:

February and March races we should set up banners the Friday night before the race. 

The equipment trailer has been moved back inside the building.

Courtney is going to talk to the website people about editing problems.

Awards Banquet!!! We need to find a date that we can have our awards banquet, we will look into the first couple of weekends in May, possibly late April. After checking in with Arrowhead golf course our awards banquet will be held Saturday April 20. More info on that to follow.

Marie will do pee wee awards for February.

We will do the national anthem and Ellie will carry the flag.

Niki: Should we start implementing late fees again? People waiting to enter the race makes the office hectic in the morning and throughout the day.  We will change it so that if you enter the day of the race you will be charged a  $10 late entry fee. Anyone who would like to run towards the end of the day or be in the late draw may request that in their pre-entry.  Niki motions, Stephanie 2nds. Vote passes. 

Should we change our ride nights  to a different day of the week? We have had a very low rider turn out to our ride nights and they are not worth the money if no one is using it. Many of our club members take lessons on Wednesday nights so we will look into changing our ride nights from the 2 Wednesdays before each  race to the 2 Tuesdays before the race. Andrea motions, Courtney 2nds. Vote passes. We have had Tuesday ride nights and so far they have had many more people attend them than before. 

Courtney is going to talk to Triangle Designs about getting us some hoodies to order/sell. 

I have attached the club member list that should be up to date with all meeting attendance, worker bee and sponsorship standings. If anything looks incorrect to you or you see a mistake please let me know directly at laurelhub@gmail.com